Vision & Mission

To serve the Kettering Community


To serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation and our world.


Reach our local community and beyond with the message of hope in Jesus Christ.


Train, equip and release the five fold ministry gifts into the mission field, to the ends of the earth.


To build a strong church based on biblical principles.


To teach and preach the word with simplicity and clarity and to accompany it with a demonstration of the power and anointing of God.


Partner with local communities and stakeholders to support underprivileged individuals, such as the homeless, hungry, unemployed, orphans, widows, single parents, addicts, and victims of abuse whilst spreading the love of God.

Our Mission

Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Our mission is to extend the Kingdom of God by holistically preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and to become a global voice, along a lifelong journey of spiritual and economic hope, encouragement and empowerment to people locally, nationally and around the world.