Men’s Ministry

Men’s fellowship for men in Kettering

inspired by David’s Mighty Men of exploits

Our Men’s Fellowship, dubbed Mighty Men, has an identity and focus inspired by David’s Mighty Men of exploits, who did extraordinary exploits in very difficult circumstances.

“Empowering, Equipping, and Discipling Men for Kingdom”

Vision Statement

It is the vision of Mighty Men to impact and empower the male believer with transformative truths that enable men to experience a richer fuller relationship with Christ. Our approach is a practical, pragmatic assessment of obstacles and the removing of blockages that have historically deterred them from being successful in Kingdom growth. It is our vision to enhance and guide men into Biblically sound relationships in their families and church by making continual deposits into their spiritual, emotional, and economic development as they seek their rightful place in the Kingdom of God!

Overall Purpose

Overall purpose is to develop men into becoming passionate disciples for Christ. Our desire is to move from just a Men’s Ministry, to a Ministry “To” Men.

This move will require Transformation through renewal of mind and process change that begins from the very first day a man joins Oasis of Life Church.