Ladies Ministry

Women empowerment

advancing in the Great Commission.

Oasis Ladies Ministry holds the view that our women (mothers, female leaders, singles and wives) must have platforms for relevant empowerment, networking and ministry. As co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard, Christian women and men must partner together in advancing the Great Commission.

“You are not alone”

The Vision

Pastor Concilia’s vision for the program has been for the women of Oasis of Life to become a woman of Influence. It is her heart’s desire for the women to be a woman of influence, a woman who changes the environment she is and not be changed by the environment, a women who influences everyone she comes in contact with and everything she touches.

Oasis Ladies Ministry centers on relationships between women, whether it is mother to daughter, sister to sister, or friend to friend. It is strategically designed to touch, empower, include, involve, and encircle every woman of Oasis of Life.

For women to come together

as a God-breathed organism of sisters, daughters, mothers, friends, and life-time legacy mentors who together will set an atmosphere of relational well-being. It is a vision of unity where the prevailing countenance of feminine grace exudes a gentleness that is heralded as strength; where peace insists on reigning; a kind word is freely passed around; and love is expected to stretch to great lengths. With a doctrinally sound and programmatic approach to ministry, Oasis Ladies seeks to not only meet every woman at the point of her need, but to empower and strengthen her so that she may reach the point of her abundance.

Designed to enrich the lives of Single Adult Women

The Oasis of Life’s Virtuous Women ministry provides thought-provoking sessions, social events, and interactions for single women of all ages to enrich their lives.

develop to a state of wholeness

The goal of SINGLE LIFE is to encourage, enlighten and empower Singles to grow and develop to a state of wholeness, completion and well-being in God while fully living an engaging, exciting, effective, and meaningful Spirit-filled life.

The Meetings

Every woman who is a member of Oasis of Life is automatically a member of Oasis Ladies Ministry.
Oasis Ladies Ministry offers monthly forums where Pastor Concy hosts prayer gatherings or where she, or other esteemed speakers, address relevant practical topics that affects women of today. Additionally, under Oasis Ladies Ministry umbrella, there is another ministry called Virtuous Women established to serve the single ladies.

Virtuous Women meet once every month after Sunday Service.
“You only have ONE life: Live It!” So get connected! For more details contact: Minister Opah Chikerema (07846693343)